Since today is the last day of official summer break, I'm taking a few minutes to outline my six big technology goals for the 2005 / 2006 school year. I currently have a class web site, do my assessment using an online tool named Quia and send out a weekly parent newsletter on e-mail. Those will be topics of future shows. Today is my pie in the sky list of what I would like to acomplish in relation to new technologies. This is amazing time with the emergence of blogs and podcasting.
I encourage any feedback about the show topics or anything in relation to using technology in the classroom. Please feel free to e-mail me at speakingofhistory@gmail.com
Direct link to Speaking of History Podcast #5
Show Notes for Podcast #5
- last day of the summer
- Thanks for the g-mail invitations
- Thanks also for the mention by David Warlick on 2 Cents Worth
- Kansas City Podcasting meet up
- Goal 1 - Blogging with students
- Goal 2 - History broadcast video
- Goal 3 - Entire social studies staff using i-river MP3 players as instructional tool
- Goal 4 - Students teaching community members computer applications
- Goal 5 - Long distance collaboration with other teachers
- Goal 6 - Produce a podcast show interviewing a member of the community
- Almost finished with The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman