Friday, February 25, 2011

Social Media and The History Classroom - 2011 MCSS

Hello.  Today I'm presenting at the 2011 Missouri Council for Social Studies Conference in Kansas City.  My topic is how history teachers can use social media to collaborate and enrich their curriculum. 

You can view the Prezi that I will be sharing at the conference.  A list of links related to the presentation are included below the Prezi.



Twitter Site for #historyteacher hastag


Eric's Flickr Collection

Clay County Museum Flickr Collection

National Archives Flickr Collection

Smithsonian American History Museum You Tube Channel

Musket You Tube Video

Declaration of Independence Break Up Letter You Tube Video

Mount Vernon You Tube Video


Skype in the Classroom


  1. Hello.. My name is Abby Jordan and I am a student in Dr.Strange EDM310 class at the Univerity of South Alabama. I think it is great that you are presenting at the Missouri Council for Social Studies Conference. It also thrills me to see teachers so dedicated to the use of modern technology. I believe it is super important to began teaching our children how to properly use these toold as well as exposing them to tools that will help them throughout their educational journey. Good Luck with your speech and try and stay warm up there! You can view my blog at My Blog

  2. Hey, Eric! I think this was a wonderful video. I always like watching and reading about new ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, specifically Skype and You Tube. I also like seeing the difference between Twitter and Facebook because although Facebook is more personal, Twitter is more professional. With getting a degree in Education, it is my career goal to teach each subject in its own way, yet incorporating technology. I'm always open for suggestions and new ideas. Thanks for your post!

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Great Prezi!

    You have provided an awesome summary for use of social media in a history class!

    I shared your site with my technology and education professor. I think she will find it useful!

  4. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Great Prezi!!

    I am sharing it with my technology education professor!

  5. I am Sarah Nell York in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. This was an impressive slideshow you put together! I love that you chose the different types of social media to further explain to others. It actually helped me understand each one better. I am fairly new at twitter and I don't have a flickr account, but I would be interested in one. I liked the quote you put up that was about Facebook being for those who you once knew and twitter is for those who you want to know. I definitely see that reflected in my facebook/twitter accounts. I am now following you on twitter! Thanks for posting this again. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am looking forward to following you further!

  6. Hello, my name is Duane Nelson and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. The EDM class that I am taking has taught me majority of these social media types that you showed in your slide show and this has given me a new source to find and share information. I feel that these different tools will be beneficial to all students.

  7. I am Ashley Welch in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I really enjoyed watching your slide show that you put together to encourage media in the classroom, particularly history for this one. This slide show really helped me get a better understanding of twitter, I am still trying to get the hang of it. I agree with the comment above about the twitter/facebook account. It's so true that twitter helps you meet new people. Technology really can have such an impact and help so much in the educational field. Thanks for the posting. I enjoyed it and you really helped me understand twitter a little more!

  8. Hi Mr. Langhorst! My name is Lisa May and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I really enjoyed the presentation on social media! I am learning new things everyday about each of these services. I would not have thought of using YouTube to teach history but there seems to be a lot of videos available. What a great way to teach the students something useful with a tool that they are all accustom to using on a daily basis. I would much prefer my own children and later my students would be watching something interesting about the Constitution or Declaration of Independence than the latest parody of a rap song!I will have to suggest it as a resource when they are doing there next research assignment!

    I am new to the world of social media and have not yet acquired all the necessary skills but I am trying and I am learning something new everyday. My personal blog page is a work in progress but I would invite you to visit and leave a comment if you have a chance!
