Hello. This week we celebrate Veterans Day and I wanted to do something special this year along the lines of the History Channel's "Take A Veteran to School" program. I contacted our local VFW here in Liberty, Missouri and Commander Pate was very helpful in finding me two World War II veterans who would be willing to visit my classroom on Wednesday morning (November 11, 2009) and speak to my 8th grade students about their experiences. Every World War II veteran has an important experience to share and I feel especially honored to have these to veterans coming to my classroom. One fought at Iwo Jima and the second one fought in five campaigns, including the Battle of the Bulge and Normandy.
I feel very lucky to have these two gentlemen in my classroom and if possible I want to share the experience. I will attempt to stream the presentation on the Internet live for anyone who cares to join in with us. I can't promise it will go off without a hitch but I'm willing to try and see what happens. I also plan to video tape it and post some of it on YouTube later.
If you would like to join us please visit www.livestream.com/speakingofhistory at 9:30 AM central time on Wednesday - November 11, 2009. The presentation should last around 45 minutes.
I would also be interested in any questions you and your students might have for these two gentlemen. I will encourage my own students to ask questions but if time allows I would like to include some from others as well. Please leave your questions as a comment to this post prior to our presentation. I'm posting this on Monday evening so it is rather short notice but it would be great to include some other schools.
Thanks and please keep your fingers crossed that everything works on Wednesday morning.
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