Direct link to Podcast #129 "My Top Ten Photos of 2007" - MP3 audio file - 15:15 minutes
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Podcast #129 - My Top Ten Photos of 2007
Direct link to Podcast #129 "My Top Ten Photos of 2007" - MP3 audio file - 15:15 minutes
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Podcast #128 - Create a Family Memory This Holiday Season

My grandfather - Henry C. Langhorst (second soldier as you look right to left) in the trenches of World War I. The machine gun on the ground in front of the group was his.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
No School Today - Kansas City Ice Storm
Podcast #127 - Review of the i-River T-60 Portable MP3 Player/Recorder

Sunday, December 09, 2007
Podcast #126 - Ideas for Teaching a Lewis and Clark Unit

The picture you see above is me dressed an reenacter clothing as a member of the Corps of Discovery. The student in the picture is one of my students from this year who just happens to be the great, great, great, great, great granddaughter of William Clark - honestly! Her family often attends ceremonies at National Parks etc. celebrating the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Please feel free to add comments or suggestions as a comment to this blog entry or e-mail me at
Podcast #125 - NCSS 2007 in San Diego Exhibit Hall Tour
As always, please leave your comments as a comment to this blog post or e-mail me at
Direct link to Podcast #125 - NCSS Exhibit Hall Tour - MP3 file - 18:00 minutes
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Podcast #124 - NCSS 2007 Presentation in San Diego - "Why My Classroom is Web 2.0"
Thursday, December 06, 2007
David Warlick in Kansas City at UMKC Professional Development Workshop
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Podcast #123 - Art in History and People to People International
Podcast #123 Show Notes:
Friday, November 30, 2007
NCCS Presentation - "Using Web 2.0 in the Social Studies Classrooom"
NCSS Presentation Handout - Using Web 2.0 in the Social Studies Classroom

Traveling to San Diego for NCSS 2007
By the way I’m flying to San Diego on Midwest Airlines and I have to give them a big shout out. I don’t travel a ton but Midwest is by far my favorite airline – large and comfortable seats with warm chocolate chip cookies on each flight! Check it out if you have a chance.
I’ll be presenting three sessions at NCSS this year. Last year I attended NCSS in Washington DC and did not present a session. Our district sent a group of teachers to DC last year because we are currently revising some of our social studies curriculum and I was not positive that I would be attending until after the deadline for submitting a proposal.
My first session is on Friday from 3:45 till 4:45 (SD Convention Center 30A) and the title of my presentation is “Podcasts and Blogs – Teaching History with Web 2.0”. I will be giving an overview of the ways we use Web 2.0 in my classroom – blogs, podcasts, digital video, studycasts, online assessment, etc. It has become on primary session when I give a presentation on how I incorporate technology with my own students on a regular basis. If you are a regular reader or listener of Speaking of History please stop by and say hello if you are at NCSS.
The second session I will be helping with is on Saturday from 2:45 till 3:45 (SD Convention Center 30C). This session is entitled “A Whirlwind of Possibilities : Technology for Social Studies Teachers” and I’m presenting with Christy Keeler of the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Christy is really the main presenter and I will be there to answer some questions at the end of the presentation. Christy and I collaborated on an article about using technology in the social studies classroom and this is a presentation modeled after that article. Christy is doing some amazing things with her social studies methods students at UNLV and showing them the potential of incorporating technology in our content area. We need a lot more social studies methods teachers like Christy demonstrating and modeling these techniques with our new teachers.
My third session will be a workshop taking place from 8:00 till 10:00 on Sunday morning (SD Convention Center 30B) entitled “Teaching and Learning with Ken Burns’ The War : The Power of Story”. I am working with a great group of individuals on this session: Donelle Blubaugh – PBS, Anne Harrington – WETA and Monica Mohindra – Library of Congress Veterans History Project. We will be doing a presentation on how teachers can incorporate the resources from the recent PBS documentary on World War II. Beyond using the video in your classroom, we will also demonstrate the incredible resources available on the site as they relate to incorporating a oral history project with your students and the media elements (pictures, audio, video) that available for student use from the official PBS web site.
I’m really looking forward to the next couple of days in San Diego. I find all of the discussions beyond the sessions to be as helpful as the sessions themselves. Some of my most productive ideas from conferences have resulted from impromptu chats with a stranger you meet sitting next to you at a session or at lunch. It will also be nice to escape a little midwest winter weather as well – Kansas City is forecasted to have a little wintery blast on Friday night.
Some of you may have attended NECC in San Diego in the summer of 2006 as I did with some teachers from the Liberty School District. There are some great historical side trips you can take and I would strongly urge attendees to take some time off during the conference to visit the USS Midway while in San Diego. I took a tour and did a podcast from the USS Midway during NECC 2006 and it was a moving experience to just be on such a historic World War II ship. It is a short walk from the convention center where NCSS is being held – several blocks – and well worth it. There are also some other historic ships in the same area and I hope to possibly tour one of them on this trip to San Diego.
As always, I will try to podcast and blog as often as possible during the conference. Looking over the conference program there are some great sessions on using technology in the social studies classroom. If you are attending NCSS please let me know what sessions you attended or plan to attend along with your comments. I would love to discover what experiences other people had at NCSS 2007. See you soon – my chocolate chip cookies are here!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Podcast #122 - PBS Media Infusion Blog about "The War"

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Technology Impacting a Special Day
Monday, October 22, 2007
A New Speaking of History Listener
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Podcast #121 - October 2007 Bits and Bytes
Direct link to Podcast #121 - October 2007 Bits and Bytes - MP3 File - 20:00 minutes
Show Notes for Podcast #121:
Friendly EduPodcast Wager on the Kansas State - Nebraska Football Game (November 10, 2007)
1776 - The Illustrated Edition by David McCullough
Land of Lincoln : Adventures in Abe's America by Andrew Ferguson
2007 MoreNet MITC - Missouri Instructional Technology Conference
2007 NCSS Conference - San Diego
The PBS Media Infusion Guest Blogger for the month of November - The Power of Story
New Version of Zune and Addition of Podcasting
BlackBoard Classroom site - Mr. Langhorst's Classroom Web Page
Marty Kelsey's 5th Grade Classroom Blog - Room 42 Daily

Monday, October 15, 2007
2007 MITC Conference - MOREnet Instructional Technology Conference Presentations
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Missouri Teacher of the Year Blog
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Podcast #120 - Teaching the Declaration of Independence as a Break Up Letter
I'm not sure how to start this letter but I feel we need to talk. I've been thinking about us a lot lately. Things used to be so great - it was like we were M.F.E.O. I mean everyone said it was perfect. I really thought we would be together forever but then things changed.
I feel like you started to take me for granted. You just started to do whatever you wanted and never even asked me about anything or how I felt.
I've been thinking about this for a while and I don't want to hurt you but I think it is time we broke up. I mean it's just not going to work. I need some time by myself to see what it is like on my own. I'm sorry things didn't work out but I do think YOU are the one to blame. Sorry but "US" is over.
The American Colonies
UPDATED - OCTOBER 30, 2008 - I took video of this activity using the Flip video camera and have added the video to show how the activity works in class.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The War from PBS Airs Tonight, Web Site is Now Active
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Podcast #119 - September 2007 Bits and Bytes -I-Pod Cases, Cam Studio, What I'm Reading, etc.

Podcast #119 Show Notes:
- i-Pod Speaker/Case for outdoor use
- The War - WWII Documentary from Ken Burns and Lynn Novick on PBS - September 23, 2007
- CamStudio - free screen casting application
- Edutopia Article on Chugach School District - No Timeline For Learning
- CNN Student News Blog
- George Washington, Spymaster by Thomas B Allen
- Land of Lincoln - Adventures in Abe's America by Andrew Ferguson
Monday, September 17, 2007
2007 Constitution Day Video
Friday, September 14, 2007
Presentation Notes from History Comes Alive - National World War I Museum in Kansas City

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Podcast #118 - Ideas for Constitution Day - September 17th
Last year we created a short video with students and staff reading portions of the preamble. We show it on our building cable channel during student announcements on Constitution Day. We posted it on Teacher Tube and in the past year it has been viewed over 12,000 times. This year I am working on video with a slightly different theme and hope to have it completed for viewing on Monday.
Looking for ideas or lesson plans to use at your school on September 17th? In this podcast I share my favorite resources for Constitution Day ideas. We would love to hear about your plans for Constitution Day - leave a comment on this blog entry and include a Constitution link of your own.
Direct link to Podcast #118 - Ideas for Constitution Day - September 17th - MP3 Format - 11:27 Minutes
Podcast #118 Show Notes:
- National Constitution Center - Constitution Day Lesson Plan and Resource Database
- Interactive Constitution Online - National Constitution Center
- National Archives Constitution Day - Teaching with Resources
- National Archives Constitution Game - 12 paper clips and a die
- National Archives Constitution Questions / Answers and Quick Facts
- Interactive Christy painting from National Endowment for the Humanities
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sandwich Archaeology Video from Animoto
Lest We Forget....

Monday, September 10, 2007
World War I Teacher Workshop in Kansas City

Sunday, September 09, 2007
Podcast #117 - First Weeks of School - Peanut Butter and Jelly Archaeology, Student Learning Styles Quiz and More
Direct link to Podcast #117 - First Weeks of School - Peanut Butter and Jelly Archeology, Student Learning Styles Quiz and More - MP3 Format - 21:40 Minutes
Podcast #117 Show Notes:
Lost on the Moon Activity - builds team work in groups with students
Student Learning Styles Inventory with suggestions on learning styles study skills
Peanut Butter and Jelly Archaeology instructions from National Paek Service