Thursday, December 06, 2007

David Warlick in Kansas City at UMKC Professional Development Workshop

Hello. I am currently sitting in a David Warlick presentation at Union Station in Kansas City - sponsored by UMKC. I was even asked to introduce him at the start of the day - WOW! Talk about a thrill. I heard David about 10 years ago and read his book Raw Materials for the Mind and that is what started my journey through educational technology. He is my technology mentor and when I heard him speak for the first time he changed the way I have taught my students from that time on.

I am currently podcasting the sessions today and will post them later. That's all for now - I am listening to his amazing presentation on 21st Century Literacy and participating in the back channel discussion.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Now a days no one dont know about the history.But all peopl;e should lern about this.The Davia Warlick is verey godd profesional worker..



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