Thursday, May 24, 2007
Podcast #85 - Interview With Scott Peterson on the C-Span 2008 Campaign Bus
Podcast #84 - Living History Presentation with Zelarda James, Mother of Jesse James
Podcast #83 - Alexander Doniphan Presentation at The Truman Presidential Library

Podcast #82 - Round Table Discussion with Park University Students on Using Technology in the Classroom

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Podcast #81 - Second Life Skeptic - Am I Just Not Seeing the Potential?
UPDATE: A fellow educational podcaster from Singapore has added his take on the use of Second Life in education. Check out the Voyeurism blog and podcast epiosde #105.
Hello. I hope I don't stir up any trouble with my fellow edtech bloggers and podcasters but I'm a skeptic of Second Life and how I can use it as an 8th grade American History teacher. I have been reading about fellow edubloggers adventures in Second Life and I don't doubt the potential of specific uses of Second Life but I am struggling with how it can be incorporated with my current curriculum. I also state early in this post that I have not ventured into Second Life myself, just followed the experiences of other bloggers. Now, before I get a ton of e-mails with lesson plans for American History suggestions in Second Life let me explain my issue. I think it will be very difficult to sell this application to administrators and parents of junior high students. Many schools are still blocking blogs and banning cell phones and this seems like a light year away from their fears with those technologies.

Please listen to the podcast and let me know what you think. Are you a junior high teacher currently using Second Life with your students? Have you experienced any backlash from administration or parents? Please leave a comment to this post or e-mail me at
Direct link to Podcast #81 - Skeptical of Second Life - MP3 Format - 9:11 minutes
Podcast #81 Show Notes: