Last night we discussed wikis and podcasting. We used Audacity and the students were able to dig in and play around with it - for each of the six students in the class it was their first exposure to Audacity. I love the fact that the 8 week class meets for 4 hours each week - it gives us time to discuss the tools but also really practice using them, a factor not usually included in traditional workshops or inservices on tech. Today's podcast is a quick interview with the students after they had played with Audacity and had some time to think about how they might use it in their classrooms.
The picture on this blog is MacKay Hall - the building I teach ED 491 in at Park University. It is awesome! I feel like I might run into Harry Potter every time I turn the corner in the hallway! It also has an amazing view of the Missouri River from the window!
You can subscribe to the Speaking of History podcast on i-Tunes here
If you have any questions or comments on this podcast or have some other ideas on using Audacity in the classroom please leave a comment or send me an e-mail at
Direct link to Podcast #78 - Park University Grad Class and Audacity - MP3 Format - 10:30 minutes
Show Notes for Podcast #78:
- Park University
- Audacity
Excellent blog!