I will be presenting a poster session entitled "History 2.0 : Blogs and Podcsts in Social Studies" in the Galleria from 12:00 noon through 2:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27th. If you happen to be attending NECC please stop by and say hello. If you would like to blog about my poster session please remember to tag it with "n07s366" and it will show up on all RSS feeds for NECC sessions.
One of the great things about NECC is the chance to test the water on what ed tech topics people are discussing. In the past it has been podcasting and blogging. I think this year the hot topics will be Second Life and a continuing theme of Web 2.0 but now with more practical examples and less of a "wow" factor. Our district will be building a new high school in 2010 and it looks like it will have a 1 to 1 laptop ratio for students so many of us will be attending sessions on that topic. I think podcasting will continue to be a strong draw - last year many of the podcasting sessions were standing room only. I also think that sessions discussing the use of games in the curriculum will be well attended as well.
Also on the agenda for me while in Atlanta is a tour of the CNN Studio arranged by the great people at Cable in the Classroom, a Braves game on Monday night and a dinner sponsored by School Library Journal. I will try to blog, podcast and post pictures from Atlanta as often as possible.

Below is short listing of some of the sessions that I hope to attend and have found interesting as I browsed the online catalog. After my first sweep through the online planner I had a ton of conflicts so there are a ton of great offerings. My comments about the session (in advance of attending) are in red.
MONDAY - JUNE 25, 2007
Learning with Blogs: Bringing the Read/Write Web into the Classroom [Session : Hands-on Open Source Lab]
Will Richardson, Connective Learning Group
Monday, 6/25/2007, 8:30am–9:30am; GWCC B308
Weblogs are blooming in schools as teachers and students are realizing their powerful learning potential. Find out how blogs are transforming classrooms around the globe.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s688
Weblogs are blooming in schools as teachers and students are realizing their powerful learning potential. Find out how blogs are transforming classrooms around the globe.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s688
I have been able to listen to Will several times but I also learn something new. He really has the pulse of ed tech and always seems to have a fresh take and what is happening right now. Read his blog everyday and look forward to hearing him again in person.
Voices from the Past: Fictional Blogs of Historical Figures [Session : Lecture]
Herman Wood, Cobb County School District
Monday, 6/25/2007, 11:00am–12:00pm; GWCC B303
See how students step into the mind and become the voice of historical figures from the past with the help of blogs.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s740
As an 8th grade history teacher who uses blogs this one struck me as very interesting. I wonder what an Abe Lincoln blog would have looked like during the Civil War........
See how students step into the mind and become the voice of historical figures from the past with the help of blogs.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s740
As an 8th grade history teacher who uses blogs this one struck me as very interesting. I wonder what an Abe Lincoln blog would have looked like during the Civil War........
PrimaryAccess: Creating Digital Documentaries in the Social Studies Classroom [Session : Hands-on BYOL]
Glen Bull, University of Virginia with Tom Hammond and Meghan McGlinn
Monday, 6/25/2007, 12:30pm–1:30pm; GWCC B305
PrimaryAccess, a Web-based tool designed expressly for the creation of digital documentaries in the social studies classroom, will be demonstrated with student and teacher examples.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s863
PrimaryAccess, a Web-based tool designed expressly for the creation of digital documentaries in the social studies classroom, will be demonstrated with student and teacher examples.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s863
The description mentions the use of audio, video and other media to create a finished product you can use in the history classroom. High interest level for me with the use of media and another great social studies specific session. It is also a BYOL - Bring Your Own Laptop!
TUESDAY - JUNE 26, 2007
Broadband Adventures: Online Learning Modules from Cable in the Classroom [Poster : Traditional]
Frank Gallagher, Cable in the Classroom
Tuesday, 6/26/2007, 10:00am–12:00pm; GWCC Level 5, Galleria
Online adventures with weather, elections, and Shakespeare combine interactivity, streaming video, educational games, and rich content into memorable, engaging activities and are free to all.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s329
Online adventures with weather, elections, and Shakespeare combine interactivity, streaming video, educational games, and rich content into memorable, engaging activities and are free to all.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s329
Cable in the Classroom has some amazing online games that I use in class - eLections is awesome. I think this is the same time that I will be on a CNN tour but check this session out if you want some great online simulations to use in the classroom.
New Tools, New Schools: Starting the Conversation about Web 2.0 [Session : Panel]
Gwen Solomon, TechLearning.com with Timothy Magner, Will Richardson, Lynne Schrum and David Warlick
Tuesday, 6/26/2007, 12:30pm–1:30pm; GWCC B207
Let’s discuss how schools can start the conversation about using the new Web-based tools that allow us to communicate, collaborate, and create content.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s702
Let’s discuss how schools can start the conversation about using the new Web-based tools that allow us to communicate, collaborate, and create content.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s702
What a panel - including Will and David! This is like the All-Star team of Web 2.0. I will just be getting back from the tour at CNN but hope to catch as much of this as possible. Is anyone podcasting this session - please?!
Podcasting for Professional Development: Innovative Strategies for Syndicated Success [Session : Lecture]
Mark Gura, Fordham University with Kathy King
Mark Gura, Fordham University with Kathy King
Tuesday, 6/26/2007, 2:00pm–3:00pm; GWCC B208
Learn easy-to-implement podcasting approaches and resources to provide inexpensive, high quality, customized professional development to audiences big and small.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s699
Learn easy-to-implement podcasting approaches and resources to provide inexpensive, high quality, customized professional development to audiences big and small.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s699
I want to attend this session in part because I listen to Mark and Kathy on a regular basis via their Podcast for Teachers podcast. High interest level for me on a personal level and I think podcasting has great potential as an option for professional development.
CNN Student News: Broadcast, Webcast, and Podcast [Session : Lecture]
Donna Krache, CNN with Lisa Porterfield, Audrey Schewe and Gerald Smith
Donna Krache, CNN with Lisa Porterfield, Audrey Schewe and Gerald Smith
Tuesday, 6/26/2007, 3:30pm–4:30pm; GWCC B211
Use technology to turn news into knowledge! Get the download on CNN’s free programs and curriculum. Learn how to tie current events to classroom content.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s857
Use technology to turn news into knowledge! Get the download on CNN’s free programs and curriculum. Learn how to tie current events to classroom content.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s857
I use CNN Student News in my classroom on a regular basis and am interested in any additional ways that I can use their content with my students.
Digital Game-based Learning in American History [Session : Lecture]
Dale Van Eck, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Dale Van Eck, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Wednesday, 6/27/2007, 8:30am–9:30am; GWCC B301
You can engage students in the study of history utilizing online games and explorations. Participants will examine a variety of simulations, Web adventures, and videoshops.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s573
You can engage students in the study of history utilizing online games and explorations. Participants will examine a variety of simulations, Web adventures, and videoshops.
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s573
I was able to catch part of Dale's presentation last December at NCSS in Washington DC but it was packed and they weren't letting any more people in the room. Colonial Williamsburg is doing some amazing things with online simulations and game based learning. If you teach social studies this would be a great session to start off the day with on Wednesday.
TWIRT: Video Podcasting in Action on a Shoestring Budget [Poster : Traditional]
Will Blaylock, Rockwood School District with Chris Beeson and Mark Pennycuick
Will Blaylock, Rockwood School District with Chris Beeson and Mark Pennycuick
Wednesday, 6/27/2007, 9:00am–11:00am; GWCC Level 5, Galleria
See how easy it is to create a video podcast on a Windows-based system! Using inexpensive software and hardware—it can be done!
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s434
See how easy it is to create a video podcast on a Windows-based system! Using inexpensive software and hardware—it can be done!
Blog Tag(s): necc, n07s434
A group of fellow Missouri teachers! I have heard some really great things about their video podcast and the poster session will allow for the opportunity to ask questions and find out how they create such a great product on a limited budget.
Hope to see you at NECC. Please feel free to leave a comment to this blog post or send me an e-mail at speakingofhistory@gmail.com
Podcast #92 Show Notes :
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